There are four vowels:
The four vowels are spoken in: Short, Long and Triple vowel speech.
Short Vowels:
e (short a sound) i (short e sound) o (short aw sound) u (short u sound)
Long Vowels:
ee (long a sound) ii (long e sound) oo (long aw sound) uu (as in too)
The Short Vowels are the basic building blocks of other vowels.
Triple Vowels:
eee iii ooo uuu are held even longer and usually have a stress at the beginning and end. (e~e) (i~i) (o~o) (u~u)
The Short Vowel sounds are:
e is a short vowel sound like the ''e'' in the English word ''bet'' and " neck"
The Arapaho sound: N(e)c Nec - Water
bes - stick he3 - dog cec - year
i is a short vowel sound like the ''i'' in the English word ''bit'' and "hit".
The Arapaho sound: H(i)s His - Liver
hinen - man cis - nighthawk
o is similar to the vowel sound in the English word ''got'' and "hot".
The Arapaho sound: H(o)3 Ho3 – Arrow
coc – bread wox – bear noh - and
u is like the English short ''u'' sound in ''put'' and " hook"
The Arapaho sound: Nook(u) Nooku – Rabbit nuhu' – this
Arapaho Language Alphabet