The Familiar Consonant sounds are:

B C H K N S T 3 W

B Heebee - Hello Hebes - Beaver bes ceb bene

C Nec - Water Cenee - Sage grouse cec wookec Cihciitei

H Hiit - Here Noh - And hee his Hohou

K Kooheesnee?- Are you hungry? Kouhuyoo – Honey hiiko
Hokok Kooniini'iini?

N Nooku - Rabbit Neeckoohunoo - I am going home noon nec Nihii

S See3 - Pine Heesnoneet - She is angry sitee hisei Siisiiyei

T Tootei'eihoo? - Where are you going? toot tous

3 Ho3ii - Arrows Benii3ihnoo - I am hungry he3 Bii3ihii
3iiw - Boat

W Hoowoto'oo! - Wake up! woow neiwoo wookec

Arapaho Language Alphabet